When we are dealing with doubt (our own or that of other people) it’s good for us to remember these words from Jude 1:22 “Be merciful to those who doubt;” (NIV)
Being merciful means being gentle with people who have some doubt. I always say where there is doubt, there is belief, so don’t mock and ridicule people who…..
I don’t consider myself much of a scientist. My brother loved science and became a science teacher at the age of 50. I hope that inspires some of you who might be thinking you’re too old to do something you always wanted to do but didn’t think you could. He overcame his doubts about whether or not he could do something…..
“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31
Questions are great when asked by the right person at the right time! I’ve heard people teach and preach on this verse and story that surrounds it many times. Most often I’ve heard them focus on the fact that so many of us have such ‘little faith and so much doubt.’ But I want you to think about it differently…..
Yesterday, November 1, 2019 I picked up my book Praying Our Way Through Stress, and looked at page 53. I mulled it over for the day, slept on it (not literally) and sorted through my thoughts this morning. The Chapter opens with a reference to something written in Matthew 4: “First Satan attempted to induce doubt (If you…..