New things, most of us love receiving and giving new things. During the Christmas and Holiday Seasons we are surrounded by new things every where we turn. New dolls and sleds, new toys and gadgets, new clothes, new books, new cars, new houses, new relationships (engagements, weddings).
If you’ve been a Christian for your entire life or most of it, the Christmas services may have lost some deeper sense of newness. Oh, the pageant might have new players, but the characters are the same. Most probably the service is the same as it was years ago, maybe a new song or two. Maybe you feel like you’ve the message often enough. Nothing new except maybe some candles, a new Priest, Pastor or Deacon, maybe musician. These new things are all rather superficial. But that doesn’t negate the fact that God did something new when Jesus was born.
Some people liked this new thing, others didn’t, unfortunately, some still don’t. Many are still seeking to understand what Christmas is all about, it’s new and it’s about making things new.
Jesus, as an adult, made a new covenant at the Passover Meal he had his disciples prepare for them to share. He had everyone share the bread and cup of wine. And the wine that was in his blood, became the new covenant that was poured out for us. Previously, the Great High Priest in the Temple poured the blood of a sheep over the altar as a sacrifice for the sins of all the people.
In making the new covenant, God’s gift of love to us, God’s son, Our Savior Jesus Christ, sent to save us from our sins, taught us the best way to be saved from our sins is to stop sinning. To sacrifice our own bad ways, our own selfish wills and to make a new covenant with God and others. A covenant to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The best way to be saved from our sins is to follow God’s plan for life on earth as demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ.
When Jesus made the new covenant, he lifted the cup that was to be poured out and asked his disciples to, “Do this in remembrance of me.” From the cross of crucifixion, the only one who knew no sin and who had no need to be forgiven looked at all who sinned against him, looked to heaven and said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”
Let’s not forget Jesus, the new covenant or take the sacrament of Holy Communion for granted. Let’s not betray Jesus after we drink from his cup. Let’s not lose our faith or our minds or our love for God’s Son.
Let us pray,
Lord God, Help us to become new creatures of your body and blood. As we remember you in the breaking of the bread, in the sharing of the cup and the pouring out of the wine, give us a desire to live as you would have us live. Each day, not only during the Christmas Season, but every day, help us to live out the new covenant we have received from you. AMEN