And so, we know that God loves the whole world and we know that Jesus taught the people of earth so much and that we are still learning. And we know, that Love is Good and God is good. We know and have come to believe that God does not shame people into obedience – God calls people and releases them from disgrace, from shame, from pain by loving them, without conditions. Our greatest struggle is to learn how to become that kind of loving person and to give each other room to grow into the knowledge of the Good News of God’s Love for all people, regardless of race, religion, gender or age. Love has no favoritism. God favored people so much that he came to earth to love us and teach us how to love one another. God’s favor toward people has not run out, let us run toward God’s favor and love.
I wrote these lyrics several years ago while listening to a Contemporary Christian Group (sorry I don’t remember which one) I think the lyrics came to me during one of their long interludes or instrumental –
No Shame in Heaven When Jesus Calls My Name
There will be no shame, no pain
When Jesus calls my name
No stones cast upon me or my past
No shame, no pain
When Jesus calls my name.
No shame, no pain
No shame, no pain
when the Lord calls my name.
I have heard your Word.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will Be Done,
On earth as it is in Heaven
Holy God, Jesus Christ,
Savior of the World
Immortal One
Let there be release
from people shaming people
on earth let it end Lord, let it end.
No pain, no shame
No pain, no shame
We call upon your Name on earth
Let it be here as it is in heaven
No pain, no shame
Thy Kingdom Come
on earth, as it is in Heaven,
On earth, as it is in Heaven
We have heard your Word,
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Kingdom Come,
No pain, No shame when you call my name,
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.
(c) copyright June G Paul
Let us pray –
Lord God – thank you for loving people – teach us how to love each other better – that we may not perish – but have eternal life and love – that we may give our children an inheritance of everlasting love and peace as you have given us. AMEN
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