Jesus is still teaching in the temple area, as he spoke with the leaders of the temple and with those whom the leaders sent to him, other people came to listen as well. After teaching about the greatest commandments Jesus asked them all a question. “How is it that the teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of David?” (Mark 12:35) He continues to speak about what David declared in Psalm 110 explaining that David was speaking about the Christ when he said, “The Lord said to my Lord.” (Mark 12:36 and Psalm 110:1)
He went on to warn the people about those teachers who liked to show themselves as the most important people in the synagogue but failed to care for the widows. He told them teachers like that would be punished. Then he sat down and watched people put their money into the temple treasury. He noticed a widow who put in a very small amount, a fraction of a penny. He spoke to his disciples privately about her offering. This story is in Mark 12:41-43.
What do these stories tell us today? What kind of people are we when we come to church? In the first story – don’t think only about the Priests, think about your own attitude in church life. Do you like to feel important and desire to make others know of your important role in church life? Do you give a lot of money and care a very little for the poor in spirit and money in your own midst? When you are feeling poor in spirit and low on funds, are you faithful enough to give even a penny to the life of your church? Are you aware of the ministries of care that your congregation participates in? There is no gift that is too small and no need that is too great in the kingdom of heaven. Even though the church is required to keep records of people’s financial donations – it the Lord who oversees the Love and Care that the members of church have for one another, whether they are a teacher or a student, priest, pastor, minister or a member of the congregation, whether they are treasurer, janitor, secretary, board or vestry member, small group leader or member, choir director or member, what matters most in all those positions is Do we love the Lord with all our heart, soul, understanding and strength and do we love the members of our church in the same way we love ourselves? How well do we understand the importance of these lessons today? How will these lessons impact our life together in the church? Will they help us to become more aware of our Godly love quotient?
Dear Lord, please send your Holy Spirit upon us. Help us to not only recognize you as the Son of God, but to also allow you to be Lord of our lives and church. May our Love for you increase and being filled with your love may we love and care for the members of our church as you do and may we always welcome other people in your name and with your love. AMEN