Yesterday in my post I referenced Romans 6 and mentioned the subtitle of part of the Chapter – “Slaves to Righteousness” – later in the day I read an article saying that Christians can turn people off talking about righteousness. I’ve heard the same kind of thing said about Christians in pursuit of justice. I think the truth is better said that some Christians are called to speak, teach…..
In Paul’s 2nd Letter to Timothy he writes that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for training in righteousness (3:16). I found myself reflecting on this verse last night and early this morning. It seems to me that the Lenten season of Repentance is a tradition that is useful for training for righteousness. Some of things we choose to change about our behaviors and activities in our Lenten Season may become…..
What do you think about when you hear the words: “Quality of Life”
Do you think about how much fun there is to be had and how much wealth there is to accumulate?
Do you think about health care issues?
Do you think about what kind of clothes a person wears?
What kind of car they drive?
Do you love me?
Do you love me?
Do you love me?
I think the questions remain in the world today.
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is still asking individuals
Do you love me?
If our answer is yes, we will find ourselves doing something for him.
Feeding people in body, mind or spirit.
Whenever we do that with His Spirit in us we are serving others His Love.
Jesus never asked us to…..
I had lunch with my sister today and couldn’t believe what the Lord did for me. While we were sitting there I had a flashback of something I’ve been dreaming about lately, something I usually try to push out of the way. Today, as it came I blurted out what happened. It seemed to me that I had practically screamed it – but apparently it was just a whisper because my sister said, what? And I looked at her and…..
I was giving a presentation from my book to a group of women and I asked them if they had ever been called a temptress. Eyes opened wide and I said – not a temptress in a sensual or sexual sense – most women have been called that – I’m talking about being called a temptress because you presented temptations to other people the way the devil presented them to Jesus when they were in the wilderness together.
Those encounters…..
What if you took 40 days to fast from self-loathing? It would be a wonderful form of self-discipline and act of repentance during the Lenten Season.
So many of us are in the habit of saying some very “not nice” things about ourselves and other people and even the Lord. Negative self-talk is a vicious circle that can destroy a person, a family, an organization, the world. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I include the world in the list…..
I remember being a very young child when one of my grandparents died – I looked at him in the coffin and asked the adult who was with me (rather loudly) “Why is everyone crying? He’s only sleeping, he’ll wake up, Jesus said so.” I was quickly whisked away to another room.
This morning in our small group discussion I shared briefly some of my thoughts about Jesus asking his disciples to stay awake when they were in the garden…..
In the business of our lives, in our daily pursuits it is good for us to take time to think about what it is we are pursuing and why we are pursuing it. Think about all the things people pursue – degrees, positions, prestige, trophies and awards, career satisfaction, justice, peace and finally, relationship. Far too often people put the pursuit of relationship in last place.
I titled an earlier post “Worshipping the Living God in Lent” In John’s Gospel,…..
I’ve been thinking about everything that is going on in the world and all the expressions of anger that we see taking place in small and big ways. The truth is we all struggle with anger from time to time. It is important to understand why we are angry and it is important to learn how to manage anger. Jesus, God Incarnate, managed anger well.
Jesus, born to save the world from sin, was crucified by…..