“I’m convinced that when Jesus prayed for unity among those who love him he was praying for a willingness to struggle together for understanding out of mutual respect for him.”
I wrote the above statement in a previous post titled “Engage Yourself in a Struggle to Understand.”
What person, place, thing or event are you trying to understand at this moment in time? Why is it important for you right now?
Have you ever felt misunderstood? When you feel…..
Someone asked me once if it was possible for a person to ‘lose their salvation.’ Not understanding what they meant I had to ask them and they replied: Well, do you believe in the saying “Once saved, always saved.” or do you think we can lose our salvation?
I had to think about this for a moment because I hadn’t heard that saying before they quoted it to me and it sounded rather odd to me. Finally I answered ……
In my last post I told you the thought behind writing “A Litany of Prayer for a Loving Attitude.” And I admitted that I, like many others, have struggled with loving myself.
Having struggled and won that battle I’m going to touch on the topic of Love and Perfection.
I think there are two ways of looking at Perfection. One is in the way of thinking everything and everyone have to be perfect. The other is in thinking about…..
It’s a question I asked my Sunday School teacher when I was a young girl. I think I was in either 5th or 6th grade when I asked her this question. I had friends of different denominations and maybe even different religions – I’m not sure. But I remember we were having a conversation about Jesus…..
Have you ever spoken to someone and it seemed they didn’t even hear you? Or have you ever listened to someone speak and not heard them? I’m guessing your answer is yes to both questions, I know mine would be. What causes people to hear us, to pay attention to what we are saying? What helps us to pay attention to other people so that…..