I’ve been thinking about all the seeking that goes on in the Christmas narratives. It’s really rather amazing when you take time to ponder it.
God sending angelic messengers is literally God seeking us and calling us to himself. People doing what the angelic messengers tell them to is literally God directing traffic –…..
Well, here we are at The End of another year on the calendar and another year of our lives. And, we’re also at The Beginning of another year on the calendar and another year of our lives.
No matter what your year was like – remember – it was blessed and nothing entered your life that God was not aware of. Maybe you don’t like some of the things that have happened. Maybe you don’t understand them. Maybe you…..
I’ve been thinking about all the things happening in this world and the arguments for and against religion and people blaming war on religion and how others blame war on politics and I wonder why we don’t blame war on people? Yes – to me it makes so much more sense to blame war on people than on institutions. We blame human actions on institutions because it’s hard to…..
We are nearing the season of Advent, the time of preparing for Christmas. There is a verse in 2 Corinthians 5:19 that tells us what God was doing ‘in Christ.’ Today, I want to suggest that we ask ourselves what everyone was doing when the Christ Child was born. What was everyone else doing when the angels appeared to Mary and Joseph? What…..
If we are the leaves perhaps then Jesus is the Tree who sets us free for healing the nations
Rev. 22:2
How can we heal unless we are first healed? And what kind of healing is this verse about? Is it only about physical healing or is it more about healing of our belief systems? healing of our minds? healing of our thoughts? healing of…..
“What I’m trying to say is that as individuals, we have thoughts and attitudes that need to be overcome — thoughts of hatred or extreme dislike toward ourselves and other people when instead we should feel dislike toward behaviors. We also have extreme attitudes toward outward appearance that needs to be overcome. If you look at the life of Jesus, you…..
These verses wrap up the Sermon on the Mount bringing it full circle.
The kingdom of heaven gives to the poor in Spirit, filling them up so they may share the kingdom with other people who either have never heard of God’s love and a heavenly kingdom, or those who know but are depleted. Even Jesus went away to…..
There is a group of women, members of DOK, who often use these letters when they sign letters or notes that they send to other people. After sending encouraging notes for a period of time to someone who was struggling, she asked me – What does FHS stand for? You use it every time you send me a note.
FHS stands for “For His Sake.” When I sign the notes I’m sending you with FHS it reminds me of…..
By the mercies of God, Paul asks the church members to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God.
When I read the opening lines of this letter written by the Apostle Paul I can’t help but think about his conversion. From being a man who had been hurling murderous threats against the church to now asking it’s members to become ‘living sacrifices.’ It’s a remarkable transformation! Proof that people can change and that the power of…..
I’m asking this question because I believe it’s a very important part in balancing our lives and in the healing process.
I believe that spiritual trauma is very real and I’m going to pull out a few examples from Scripture in the Old (Hebrew) Testament, the New (Christian) Testament and the Psalms.
The first verse that I think begs us to consider the effects of spiritual trauma is this one:
“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,…..