These three words spoken by Jesus have the power to transform lives, yet we rarely use them today. Instead we are telling people to take any number of things . . .
a chill pill another shot anti depressants a drink a smoke or a hit
It’s so easy for us to rely on taking things that change the physical chemistry in our bodies. But doing the hard work of soul and mind work requires the heart. Spiritual transformation…..
Today, at the local children’s library I experienced a lesson in puzzling perseverance. It’s wonderful to have the honor of being a grandparent and helping your grandchildren to learn the art of perseverance in finishing something they’ve started. My granddaughter was excited as she pulled down a puzzle. “Oh look! It’s a princess! She’s so pretty!” She set the box down and studied the cover. Inside I was saying, “And you, my child are a princess . . . a…..
Someone asked me once if it was possible for a person to ‘lose their salvation.’ Not understanding what they meant I had to ask them and they replied: Well, do you believe in the saying “Once saved, always saved.” or do you think we can lose our salvation?
I had to think about this for a moment because I hadn’t heard that saying before they quoted it to me and it sounded rather odd to me. Finally I answered ……
On my wall above my desk hangs a framed print statement about faith. There is no indication who made the statement so I am unable to credit anyone for it. This is what the framed print states:
“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.”
It’s an intriguing statement. Especially when you pair it with some of the statements about faith that are recorded in…..
“Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord. (I Peter 2:1-3 NASB) Think about the many times you have tasted the Lord’s kindness in your lifetime. Consider how you can…..
I learned some new exercises today to improve the strength of my shoulders, biceps, upper back muscles and bones. The exercises are simple and yet exhausting. Isn’t it interesting how some of the simplest things can be the most exhausting? And yet, how much stronger we become by doing these simple and exhausting things that will help us carry the weight of our bodies…..
Have you ever spoken to someone and it seemed they didn’t even hear you? Or have you ever listened to someone speak and not heard them? I’m guessing your answer is yes to both questions, I know mine would be. What causes people to hear us, to pay attention to what we are saying? What helps us to pay attention to other people so that…..
How often does the word ‘Ministry‘ come up in your conversations about life and work and church? I don’t seem to hear it as often as I used to.
I used to use the word ‘ministry’ when I did one-on-one training my recruits in direct sales. I also used the word when I trained co-workers at my other jobs. Sometimes they would…..