The famous Sermon on the Mount begins with the following verse; Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3 NIV)
It sounds so odd, doesn’t it? That the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit. I mean, does it seem to you that many people think it doesn’t include them because they aren’t very strong in spirit? And doesn’t…..
It has been awhile since my last post. Part of the reason was an inability to access my blog. Thank God that has been repaired! I have been told by many people that a person who is drawn to writing and journaling rarely has a large following – that a person who designs and leads retreats for spiritual growth rarely has a large following. But that workshops and conferences are highly attended. To me – that’s an interesting phenomenon. I…..
While deciding how I wanted to crop the above photo I almost cropped it to leave off the broken flower on the bottom left and the broken flower and leaves on the top right. When I looked at it though, it seemed the fragile nature of life was no longer visible. Isn’t that often how…..
These verses wrap up the Sermon on the Mount bringing it full circle.
The kingdom of heaven gives to the poor in Spirit, filling them up so they may share the kingdom with other people who either have never heard of God’s love and a heavenly kingdom, or those who know but are depleted. Even Jesus went away to…..
Reading about the merciful in the Sermon on the Mount connects me to Jesus’ later teachings about forgiveness. In the Lord’s prayer he taught his disciples to pray, ‘forgive us …. as we forgive others.” In forgiveness there is great mercy, but in order to receive something it must be given to you. A hard-hearted person struggles with forgiveness……
Perhaps you’ve heard someone say: “He/She’s so meek.” More than likely you were thinking that in terms of emotional or social weakness of some sort – maybe being shy. But the biblical meaning of the word meek is different than what this generation of English speaking people understand it to be. When Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount the word meek meant humble…..
Have you ever asked yourself this question and sit still long enough to let it sink into your soul? Sometimes when you become familiar with a certain verse or verses of Scripture you begin using it without giving it much thought or putting true empathy into the giving of a card, plaque or poster to another person. We read something, look at…..
Yesterday in my post I referenced Romans 6 and mentioned the subtitle of part of the Chapter – “Slaves to Righteousness” – later in the day I read an article saying that Christians can turn people off talking about righteousness. I’ve heard the same kind of thing said about Christians in pursuit of justice. I think the truth is better said that some Christians are called to speak,…..
What do you think about when you hear the words: “Quality of Life”
Do you think about how much fun there is to be had and how much wealth there is to accumulate?
Do you think about health care issues?
Do you think about what kind of clothes a person wears?
What kind of car they drive?
This is something I am learning well. I have received positive and negative feedback from having published this book. Some people who know me think that I’m being a little ‘self-righteous’ in publishing this book. I never really understand people who think this about me because I know I am not perfect and am in need of the Lord’s strength, grace, love, forgiveness and power – I know I’m a sinner in need of the Lord. This book in no way…..