As we move closer and closer to Easter we may have one of two several responses in regards to our fasting and repentance. We could be thinking, ‘Oh God, I can’t wait until this is over and I can . . . ” eat meat on Wednesdays and Fridays again, or chocolate, watch my favorite show or whatever thing or activity it is that we set aside as an act of…..
What do you think about when you hear the words: “Quality of Life”
Do you think about how much fun there is to be had and how much wealth there is to accumulate?
Do you think about health care issues?
Do you think about what kind of clothes a person wears?
What kind of car they drive?
Some people might still be working on New Years Resolutions –
In my book there is a Chapter describing the manifestations of unresolved stress. It’s quite revealing and a good ‘self-inventory’ to take. The list can help you choose a focus and direction.
Sometimes we don’t know the cause of the stress…..
This is something I am learning well. I have received positive and negative feedback from having published this book. Some people who know me think that I’m being a little ‘self-righteous’ in publishing this book. I never really understand people who think this about me because I know I am not perfect and am in need of the Lord’s strength, grace, love, forgiveness and power – I know I’m a sinner in need of the Lord. This book in no way…..
I had a radio interview this morning with WFCJ fm and was asked how this book might help a person overcome Holiday Stress with all the preparations and everything that has to get done. While she was talking the first thing that came to mind was the story about Martha and Mary and Jesus. Martha was all busy getting things ready for dinner and Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet. It’s a story about relationship, people gather together more for relationship…..
In order to forget how to do something, first you have to known how to do it.
I grew up in the church and I had learned how to pray in church and in Sunday School and at home. I learned prayers that we memorized. Now there is nothing wrong with memorizing prayers. But sometimes when we memorize something it just becomes a ‘pat’ response to something. Kind of how our greetings are when we pass people on the street…..