When I was younger I remember hearing a Christmas Hymn, (#84) in ‘The Hymnal” 1982 It’s a beautiful Hymn that sings of Love being born at Christmas.
I would like to share this video with you about one of the songs I was inspired with many years ago. We’ve been singing it every week at the beginning of our book/bible study in our small group. Of course – the words aren’t mine, they are a summarization of the two commandments. You may or may not know that these words are recorded in both the New and Old Testament. That shouldn’t surprise us, because God’s love has always been present in this world, and always will be. A hope we all have is that one day, things will be on earth as they are in heaven – filled with complete and true love, no evil, nothing to fear or dread. Love begins in our hearts and minds, with obedience to God’s will as demonstrated through the lives of specific people throughout history.
I know it seems early – but I pray we all have a Lovely Christmas.