It seems sometimes that we are so fixated on endings, rather than beginnings.
When you pick up a book to look at and decide if you want to read it – do you open it to the end or the beginning?
When the seasons change – do you call them the end summer or the beginning of fall? Most people say it’s the end of a season and yet our calenders mark the seasonal changes as the first day of spring/summer/fall/winter.
Why are we so fixated on endings? I’m not even going to attempt to answer the question. . . But I have been wondering whether or not our fixation on endings makes life more difficult for us than God intends it be. And I wonder if our fixation on the end of something makes beginnings more difficult? And if a fixation on the end makes beginnings more difficult, could it be that even the middle times become more difficult?
Eventually when you choose a book to read there is only one way to read it. And that is One Page at a Time . . this is a good way to look at each day of our lives . . .
Today there is a new page in front of us . . . the page will get filled . . . there will be a beginning to the page and an end to the page and there is not always a “.” (a period) at the end of every page is there? Often the sentences carry over to the next page.
I’m recalling a teaching of Jesus where he says – Why do you worry about tomorrow? Each day has enough trouble of it’s own. You see if you go about the day worried about tomorrow you are most probably going to miss out on celebrating the joyous things that each day brings to us. If you are worried about tomorrow – you are not going to be counting the blessings of today. If you are worried about tomorrow you probably won’t wake up celebrating the new day. Jesus said he overcame the world – maybe he meant he overcame daily troubles with peace in his heart and mind.
I think we can have that same peace if we can just stop worrying about everything that troubles us and do something constructive – seek help, look for wisdom, share our concerns and look for solutions before tomorrow gets here. That way – we can have a beginning to the end of our troubles. And with seeing the beginning to the end of our troubles we can have some sense of peace and joy today.
Another thought – have you ever sat to watch the early morning sunrise? Have you noticed how the darkness just eases out while the light slowly rises pushing the darkness away? Or even how the light of a full moon can be bright enough to make you smile in the middle of the darkest hours?
Jesus called himself the beginning and the end and the light . . . When we have Jesus in us and we live into Jesus’ love and fellowship we don’t have to worry about whether or not it’s the beginning or end . . . we can live in peace and in the light of His love forever.
Let us pray,
Lord God, thanking for giving us life and teaching us, through Jesus, to live each day to it’s fullest in the knowledge of your love for all of humankind. Help us share the joy of this knowledge with other people who may be worried about so many things that tempt to distract them from you and your love. Help us Lord, to find in you, the beginning of an end to our troubles on earth by becoming peacemakers today. We ask this for the sake of bringing glory and honor to your name. AMEN