Imagine what it might have been like for Joseph. Imagine holding the Son of God, Son of Man, in his arms and looking at his betrothed, servant of the Lord. It’s difficult for me to comprehend all the thoughts that must have been going through his head. God has a plan for this child to become one who saves the world from sin. Perhaps Joseph might have been wondering about that before he fell asleep after an exhausting experience. It’s exciting and it’s frightening to become a parent, especially for the first time. There is so much you think you know, and so much you know you don’t know, and day by day you discover that parenting is a learning and growing experience.
It’s like that for people who receive the Good News of God’s Love for the first time. Wonderful, awesome and you want to know more. And it’s like that for people who receive the Holy Spirit into their heart and mind for the first time. Exciting and a little bit of trembling that goes on. Lives are changed, in an instant and over time. The Apostle Paul reminded members of the church they should continue being filled with the Holy Spirit. Experiencing life within the context of faith in God, the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit is not a one time event. This kind of life is an ongoing story. We each have the opportunity to have a personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus, through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the world today, in this generation.
The night that Jesus is born was wonderful, the day that followed must have been filled with wonder, like it is for so many new parents, but probably even more so for Mary and Joseph who were the first to receive the Savior into their lives. Then, while he is sleeping, Joseph is warned in a dream that he and his wife need to do something to protect this child.
There are places in the world today, where it is risky to be Jewish, to be Christian, to be Muslim, to be Native American, to be Black, White, Hispanic, Latino, Buddhist, Hindu, the list goes on and on and on, doesn’t it? Let’s face it, it is risky to be a human being who loves being alive and sharing their love for life with all people in all places at all times. Love is Good. God is Love. As Christians, we believe that God loves the whole world – so much that he gave the world his Son, Jesus Christ . . . (John 3:16)
Loving people can be risky. It’s a risk God was willing to take for you and I. Are we willing to try taking the risk of loving someone this year? Maybe risk loving yourself enough to learn more about Jesus, about God, about the Holy Spirit? Maybe risk giving someone a gift of a daily devotional, a bible, a special prayer card or some small act of being present in their lives in some way.While we celebrate the birth of Jesus, unwrap all the presents, participate in worship services, drive around looking at all the festive lights, eat holiday meals together, we forget about the risks people were taking for us over 2000 years ago. What risks do we take, on behalf of other people? Are we willing to risk being laughed at because we believe in God, because we believe in Jesus, because we believe in the Holy Spirit? What role do we have in this generation in regards to protecting the Good News of God’s Love for the whole world? Are we willing to risk a career change? Are we willing to become the Lord’s servant in a somewhat uncommon, yet common way? What role do we have in bringing the Good News of God’s Love to other people?
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are many, and each person receives some of them, not all of them. It’s enough for us to learn what our own gifts are and then to learn how to recognize what gifts other people have, so that together, we (like the people in the Christmas Gospels) can bring the good news of God’s Love into the lives of people living in the world today.
Let us pray:
Lord God, thank you for all the people in ages past, who have used their gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring your love and light to people around the world in their generation. Please grant us the gifts of your Holy Spirit, that we may bring the good news of God’s Love for all people of every nation and tribe into the world today. Help us to share the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ who has given us all the right to become children of God and help us to live together in love and peace, grace and harmony. AMEN