Over the years through the season of Lent and in my participation and leadership in Alpha, Daughters of the King, in my friendships and in my volunteer and work time spent in healthcare settings I’ve spent time listening to people talk about their struggles with sin. I never pretended that I didn’t have struggles of my own,…..
Yesterday in my post I referenced Romans 6 and mentioned the subtitle of part of the Chapter – “Slaves to Righteousness” – later in the day I read an article saying that Christians can turn people off talking about righteousness. I’ve heard the same kind of thing said about Christians in pursuit of justice. I think the truth is better said that some Christians are called to speak, teach…..
What do you think about when you hear the words: “Quality of Life”
Do you think about how much fun there is to be had and how much wealth there is to accumulate?
Do you think about health care issues?
Do you think about what kind of clothes a person wears?
What kind of car they drive?
I had lunch with my sister today and couldn’t believe what the Lord did for me. While we were sitting there I had a flashback of something I’ve been dreaming about lately, something I usually try to push out of the way. Today, as it came I blurted out what happened. It seemed to me that I had practically screamed it – but apparently it was just a whisper because my sister said, what? And I looked at her and…..
What if you took 40 days to fast from self-loathing? It would be a wonderful form of self-discipline and act of repentance during the Lenten Season.
So many of us are in the habit of saying some very “not nice” things about ourselves and other people and even the Lord. Negative self-talk is a vicious circle that can destroy a person, a family, an organization, the world. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I include the world in the list…..
I’ve been thinking about everything that is going on in the world and all the expressions of anger that we see taking place in small and big ways. The truth is we all struggle with anger from time to time. It is important to understand why we are angry and it is important to learn how to manage anger. Jesus, God Incarnate, managed anger well.
Jesus, born to save the world from sin, was crucified by…..
A friend called me today and said June, you should read Romans. (We’ve had this conversation before and I knew exactly where she was going to take me – To Romans 1:26-27.)
I sighed and said, What do you want me to read? and she said Romans 1:26 & 27.
She read from her Bible and she said now read from yours. I said, “I’m getting so tired…..
In the Christian Church we celebrate a feast day called ‘Epiphany’. This is known as the day that Jesus was revealed to the gentiles; it’s the day that the three Wisemen (in some translations they are referred to as ‘astrologers’) sent by King Herod, found Jesus and gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.