There are three Gospel readings for Holy Saturday. I’m being drawn to write briefly about Matthew 27:63. The Chief Priest and Pharisees call Jesus an ‘imposter’ and then tell Pilate they remember what Jesus said about rising in three days.
These are enemies of his and they remember some of the same things Jesus’ friends…..
The reading today is from John 18:1-19,42 What stands out to me is a six word sentence. “I find no case against him.” (18:13)
Pilate finds no case against Jesus and yet he follows the custom of asking the people who to release instead of releasing Jesus himself. There are some hard things to read in this entire passage…..
Today’s reading is John 12:20-36. What I find interesting here is that the reading begins with people who were on their way to ‘the festival’ telling Phillip they wanted to see Jesus. Jesus then speaks to his disciples and the crowd and at the end of the reading, Jesus hides from them.
Odd to think that…..
You think you have stress preparing for Easter? Too much happening during Holy Week? Too many people to visit for the ‘Holiday?’ Consider again the thought of Praying Your Way Through this week while thinking about the stress Jesus endured preparing himself and his disciples for the Last Passover Meal he would share with his disciples, the last…..
This Lenten Season I have taken up a new kind of writing. I am learning Haiku poetry. When I first started reading Haiku I thought, I don’t understand this kind of poetry and that bothered me. The writers group gave a challenge of writing some and I wanted to avoid it because it…..
We live in a very fast paced world and slowing down doesn’t come easy to the vast majority of people. Besides being fast paced, many people are competitive. I spent a number of years as a wife and mother in a direct sales career where I succeeded mostly by competing with…..
There is alot of talk about wisdom in the bible. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 11:19 which states how wisdom is determined, how it’s discerned and identified – by actions.
When I chose the subtitle of my book, Praying Our Way Through Stress, I chose ‘Drawing Wisdom from the Lord’s Life and Prayer’ because…..
I’ve been thinking about how Christmas comes upon us making things new year after year throughout generations. Whether it’s celebrated with Santa Claus or Jesus or both. I grew up with both influences. Santa made sure nobody went without a gift – every boy and girl all around the world would receive a gift – a nice one – or coal. The whole naughty or nice thing really puts pressure on kids to behave and control themselves as parents feel…..
I’ve been thinking about all the things happening in this world and the arguments for and against religion and people blaming war on religion and how others blame war on politics and I wonder why we don’t blame war on people? Yes – to me it makes so much more sense to blame war on people than on institutions. We blame human actions on institutions because it’s hard…..
I’ve been thinking about the concept of Heaven on Earth. If you pray the Lord’s Prayer, then you are praying for things to be on earth like they are in heaven. Prayer alone won’t make it happen. We must participate in whatever way possible to help ourselves and other people have encounters that are a reflection of heaven on earth.