Have you ever spoken to someone and it seemed they didn’t even hear you? Or have you ever listened to someone speak and not heard them? I’m guessing your answer is yes to both questions, I know mine would be. What causes people to hear us, to pay attention to what we are saying? What helps us to pay attention to other people so that we can hear them? Why am I even posing these questions? Have you ever felt or thought that God didn’t hear you when you prayed, or when you talked to him? Again, I’m guessing that most people will answer yes. There is a phrase in Scripture that reads:
…then I will hear from heaven . . .
This phrase is why I am posing the questions I did, especially the question about what it is that helps us pay attention to other people so we can hear them. this is a short list that I’ve started and more than likely some people could add to this list.
Respect for the other person and respect for self.
Desire to hear.
Desire to learn.
Desire to understand.
Desire to help.
The speaker shows respect toward me.
Lack of distraction in surroundings
Clarity of mind (Lack of distraction in my own thoughts)
Ability to focus on what the person is saying.
Ability to understand.
Desire to be helped.
Interest in the person or the topic
Ability of person talking to express themselves
Willingness to clarify, to have questions asked in order to hear and be heard.
Ability and Desire to Listen Carefully (with care and concern)
What happens when people are able to hear each other? Understanding takes place, learning takes place, solutions arise in times of conflict, forgiveness can be given and received, repentance (end to bad/wrong behaviors)- good things can be accomplished.
There are so many verses in the Bible that teach us about the importance of careful, clear, respectful communication. I personally think a good one to reflect on is 2nd Chronicles 7:14 which reads as follows:
‘if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
It seems that when you have the desire to come into relationship with God, the steps to follow are outlined in this verse.
Step One
Humble yourself
Step Two
Step Three
Seek His Face
Step Four
Turn from your wicked ways
Step Five
Be Heard
Step Six
Receive Forgiveness
Step Seven
Receive Healing
Sometimes these steps happen rather quickly, sometimes they take some time, always we have to keep doing an inventory of our own attitudes and behaviors.
Lord God, thank you for calling us to be in relationship with you. Help everyone to humble themselves and take these steps so relationships may be restored, people forgiven, and families healed. And to you be all the glory and praise! AMEN